Welcome Young Men, Leaders and Parents.

This blog has been created as a one stop shop for everything to do with the Young Men of the Santa Fe Hills Ward. If you are interested in receiving updates by text message or email when new post or comments are made or if you have information or photos to post please contact Bro. Carter.

YM Activity Calendar

Saturday, August 31, 2013

SFH Youth Conference 2013

The theme for our Ward Youth Conference was "Serving in the Way of the Lord" (Matthew 25:35).

Friday night we met at the Chapman's home and heard from EFY Speaker Sister Susan Shupe.  We were all uplifted by her message. 

Early Saturday morning, we went to the Temple.  We had 28 youth there.  Afterwards, we went to the Governor Building to make lunches for ourselves and the homeless.  We divided into 5 teams and each team was responsible for finding somewhere to go.  We went to downtown San Diego, Pet Co Park, Balboa Park, Pacific Beach.  

We then met at the Mormon Battalion Visitor center for a tour.

We ended up at the beach for pizza, watermelon, s'mores, swimming, and hanging out.