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This blog has been created as a one stop shop for everything to do with the Young Men of the Santa Fe Hills Ward. If you are interested in receiving updates by text message or email when new post or comments are made or if you have information or photos to post please contact Bro. Carter.

YM Activity Calendar

Friday, February 18, 2011

Thursday Night Toastmaster - February 17th, 2011

Thursday night activity was great. Thanks to Brother Corbet & Carter for teaching us about Toastmasters.  (Thanks also to Kelley Fullerton our scoutmaster for working with the scouts on merit badges.) Each of us now has a better idea of our impromptu public speaking strengths & weaknesses plus it was a lot of fun. The root beer floats after were tasty too from what I gather.

For those who don't know what Toastmasters is here is a brief explanation.  Essentially a topic is given, which in this case was video games and the role of technology in schools and several questions are issued to the group one at a time.  After each question is issued one person is chosen to stand up in front of the group and respond to the question by giving a brief one minute response as best they can.  Some of the questioned asked were -

Topic - Technological advances in schools and how they have or should change the way we teach.
Example Question - If you could get rid of one subject/class in school what would it be and what other subject would you replace it with.

Jordan Jocelyn's reply was excellent, though I don't have it word for word. He said that he had been required to take a music appreciation class and that it was a huge waste of time. He wasn't interested in the topic at all and felt he gained absolutely nothing from it. Compared that to a career class where he learned about different careers to consider and what he would need to do to enter each career path.  He explained that this class was very useful and expose him to many new careers he hadn't thought about before and helped him get a better idea what he wants to be.

Great job Jordan and everyone for your excellent "toasts."

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