Welcome Young Men, Leaders and Parents.

This blog has been created as a one stop shop for everything to do with the Young Men of the Santa Fe Hills Ward. If you are interested in receiving updates by text message or email when new post or comments are made or if you have information or photos to post please contact Bro. Carter.

YM Activity Calendar

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Escondido 2nd Stake

Tonight we took the first steps to participate in the Escondido 2nd Stake project.  The idea of the project is for everyone to do their genealogy and find ancestors who haven't had their Temple work done for them.  The goal is to do the work for enough people to create another stake on the other side of the veil.  Our Ward needs to create a Santa Fe Hills 2nd Ward (400-500 people).

Since much of the work involves computers and since the youth are typically technically savvy, we decided to get them involved.  Tonight, 15 young men created accounts on lds.org and logged into new.familysearch.org.  Most of them were able to connect immediately to their genealogical lines.  Some even put in new information.  Good job Young Men!!!


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Speed Social Activity

For this month's combined activity, we had a Speed Social (patterned after "Speed Dating", but we changed "Dating" to "Social" since some of the youth shouldn't be dating yet - wink, wink).

We started off with an ice-breaker game: Predators and Protectors.  Everyone gets inside of a space (about 20 feet square) and picks someone to be their predator and protector (nobody tells anyone who they picked).  When the game starts, you have move to keep your protector between you and your predator.  Everyone ends up running all over the place.  It became obvious that the boys picked just boys and the girls picked just girls.  We then played a variant called Predator/Protectee.  This time, each person picks two people, but they have to move to stay between the two people.  We told them to pick a boy and girl.  Try it sometime: there is interesting and different emergent behavior for the two games.

Then we had tables with two chairs facing each other.  The girls stayed seated as the boys moved from girl to girl.  They had 3-4 minutes to socialize.  We rang a bell when it was time to rotate.

It was a competition with prizes (In'N'Out and Menchies Frozen Yogurt gift cards and candy) to help everyone be more motivated.  Each was given a score sheet with a list of names and columns for scoring: making eye contact, smiling, listening, showing interest, and "I enjoyed talking to them".  The back had a list of sample questions (see below).  Scores were 1-5 points.  At the end, each person picked their top 3 giving them 3, 2 or 1 point.  Scores were tallied and winners got their prizes.  We reminded them it wasn't a popularity contest, but on who showed the best social skills.

Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and lots of smiles were seen (except maybe when brothers and sisters had to socialize).  All the boys know all the girls now and all the girls know all the boys.

The Basics

  • What are your favorite hobbies/interests?
  • Do you have any pets? Siblings? Roommates?
  • What do you like to do in your spare time?

For a Little More Insight

  • Are you an indoor person or an outdoor person? (Or a city person or a country person?)
  • What would your dream vacation be?
  • What's your favorite travel destination?
  • What would your dream job be?
  • What did you do last weekend?
  • Are you a night owl or an early riser?
  • What was the last book you read?
  • What's your favorite Web site to waste time on?

Creative Approaches

  • If they made a movie about your life, would it be a drama or a comedy?
  • Who was your favorite superhero when you were little?
  • Who is your favorite comedian?
  • What is your favorite guilty-pleasure food (or music, or movie, or TV show)?
  • What's the perfect midnight snack?
  • Star Wars or Star Trek? The original Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, or the Johnny Depp remake? Sudoku or Words with Friends? Pirates or ninjas (and why)? Should brownies be made with nuts or without?
  • Are you a dog or cat person?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Carnival

The Young Men and Young Women hosted a Halloween Carnival with spook alley, booths (fishing, face painting, donut on a string, fish bowl ping pong toss, bean bag toss, tombstone crafts and basketball shooting), cake walk (thanks to the Primary), chili cook-off (thanks to the High Priests) and  photo booth (thanks Dave Hernandez).  We had a good turnout and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.  Thanks to everyone that pitched in and helped!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Knot Scout Camp

Knot Scout camp was a great success!   We accomplished a lot with some of the boys earning 9 merit badges and as many as 4 awards.  Merit Badges worked on; Family Life, Citizenship in the Community, Emergency Preparedness, Aviation, Fishing, Safety, Disability Awareness, cooking and Weather.  Awards: The Historic Trail Award, Tot'n Chip, Firem'n Chit, Leave No Trace & The Paul Bunyan Award.

We Hiked the Historic San Pasqual Trail (Historic Trail Award).  We went to the woodland park pool and worked on swimming requirements for some of the boys and mostly just had fun.  we went on a 5 hour deep sea fishing trip which was special to all, as some spent more time feeding the fish with their breakfast and bait than catching the fish.  We spent much of our time in camp working on merit badges and awards.  The Highlight of the trip and I think the most fun was flying in the Cessna 172's.  All the boys had a turn at the controls.  Parents, start saving your money, some of them may want to be pilots someday?

Camp achievements.  All the boys advanced closer to becoming Eagle Scouts (Our purpose in having all this fun).  Parents participated and helped make the camp possible.  
We kept the cost to a minimum and cut the cost of camp to less than half of what regular camp would have been ($360.00).  I think we call this being Thrifty.  More importantly, I think the boys learned better how to get along with others.  How to participate as a team and help each other (Our service project at the camp).  How to better follow rules, though they still need to work on going to sleep before 1:00 AM.  Overall how to become a leader.

The Eagle Scout award is a symbol that a boy has learned how to first follow, and then how to lead others. Most importantly how to lead himself by taking on the mantle of the responsibilities of an adult.  It means he has learned his duty to himself, family and society.  

Thank you to those that participated:  Fidel Cruz spent the most time with us.  3 nights and several days.  Jim Pennock a night and a couple of days. Reid McWirter a night a day. Brian Bues a night and a day.  Scott McClellan a night and a day at the Airport as well as several hours at home doing "the behind scene" paper work, etc. Robert wilt and Bob Haskell each spent a few hours helping to reduce the insanity around the campfire and at the Airport.  Most of all Thank you to all the mothers who gave rides and worked behind the scenes making sure their sons were doing whats right!  If I forgot anyone, please forgive me.  My memory isn't what it used to be.

I hope all the boys had fun while learning at the same time.  Though few caught any fish during the fishing trip, I think this experience was the greatest teacher.  It taught patience and persistence.  Two of the  character traits most needed in our world today.  Some got sick but endured, some got tired of not catching anything and took lots of breaks, some continued fishing the entire trip, still not catching a fish, but they caught something most important.  They caught the spirit of "enduring to the end".

Also please forgive any typo's, my secretary is on vacation.

I hope you enjoy the few photos attached.

We will show more of them at the next Court of Honor.

KB Fullerton
Scout Master
Troop 634

Friday, July 6, 2012

San Juan River High Adventure

This year's high adventure trip was canoeing down the San Juan river in Utah.  Our group included Jordan, Kevin, Fidel, Leo, Brian, Spencer, Olavo, Chandler and Jared.  The adults were Br. Carter, Br. Beus and Bishop Larsen.  Br. Glen Berry from the San Elijo Ward was our river guide (he brought Jacob and Willis from his ward).

We drove all day Monday and camped on a bluff overlooking the river (below is the view from camp).

We traveled on inflatable canoes, two to a canoe.  Each canoe had a ice chest, dry box (for food, etc), 2 dry bags (for clothing, sleeping bag, etc.), water container and poop boxes (you can't leave anything behind on the river).  Br. Berry required us all to wear long pants and long sleeve shirts to protect us from the sun.

Our Senior Patrol Leader for the trip was Jordan, Cook was Kevin and Quartermaster was Fidel.  Jordan ran the duty roster, gathered us together for prayer and evening devotional, and organized sweeping the camp for "leave no trace".  The duties were water, fire and poop (Bring water container from a canoe, start the camp stove to boil the water, and set up the poop tent).  Fidel loaded up the vans and distributed the tents.  Kevin managed our group lunches (sandwiches, chips, oranges and candy).
Below, Olavo is tending to his fire duty, and just above his head you can see the poop tent.  It was always set up with a wonderful view (and as far away as possible).

Br. Berry is amazingly organized.  Each canoe is numbered and the water and coolers are opened in sequence.   The last day on the river, Br. Berry pulled out ice cream.  He kept it cold with dry ice.  We immediately started gnawing on the rock hard ice cream as we waited for the mid-day hot air to thaw it out.

Along the way, we saw petroglyphs and stopped at "River City", indian cliff dwelling ruins.  We also saw at least 6 big horn sheep, and other wild life.

The boys could always find something fun to do: throwing mud balls across the river, skipping rocks, standing in the middle of the river while they talked about who knows what, jumping of cliffs, etc.  Below they would climb along the cliffs and float down a mild section of the rapids (Moms - note that everyone is wearing a life jacket - which was mandatory whenever they were in or near the water).

We also hit some rapids on the river.  The boys all did well (meaning no one fell out or flipped their canoe).

Br. Carter and Leo were tied for "best running of the rapids" with Bishop and Br. Beus until we found out that they went down the rapids with an unsecured water bottle on their dry box.  If this proved true, it was decided they would be the best, since this demonstrated smooth operation of the canoe.

It wasn't until after the trip that we developed the film for proof of their claim (I know, "old technology"). Below is the proof, and the award of "best river runners" goes to them. I'm not quite sure what the expression is on Bishop's face. Is he posing?

We even had one canoe decided to go down backwards.  We won't say who they were.

The drive home was scenic.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Fathers and Sons Outing

This weekend we had our annual Fathers and Sons Outing.  Br. Cruz made special arrangements with a relative with property (5 acres) in Vista.  He had camp fires, s'mores, wuffums, log chopping, scary stories, before heading to our tents.  We woke up to breakfast burritos (thanks Eddie for cooking and Sis. Carter for grocery shopping!) then played flag football before heading out.  Camp was empty by 9:30 am, since everyone had a busy day ahead of them.

(Send photos to Br. Carter if you have them)

Temple Trip

On May 30, the youth went to the San Diego Temple.  We had a surprisingly large turn out considering that there were several conflicts: band concert, Senior Awards Night at the High School.  

Junkyard Wars, 2nd Edition

On May 22, we had our second junkyard wars for the YM/YW combined activity.  Clean junk materials (cardboard boxes, plastic, paper) were saved up by the leaders and piled in the center of the cultural hall.  We then split into teams and had a relay for the teams to collect their materials.  Each team was provided a roll of duct tape.  They then decided what they wanted to do, designed and then built their creations.  Some modifications were made along the way.  Afterwards, everyone pitched in and helped clean up.

The awards were:

Best Boat Attraction for the Pirate Ship:

Most Useful for the Shower Stall:
(Send a photo to Br. Carter if you have one)

Coziest for the House:

(Send a photo to Br. Carter if you have one)

Deadliest/Most Lethal for the Catapult:
(Send a photo to Br. Carter if you have one)

Saturday, May 19, 2012

USS San Diego Commissioning

Today the Young Men attended the commissioning of the newest Navy ship, the U.S.S. San Diego, LPD-22.  This is unique for a ship to be harbored in the city with its name.  The City of San Diego provided memorabilia for the ship and the various hallways had well known San Diego Street Signs (Balboa, Mission Bay, etc.).  Even their mess hall is named "Gas Lamp Cafe".

We had a good turnout - 16 boys and 4 adults.  We attended the commissioning ceremony (hopefully the boys can learn a lesson on ceremony for their own scout meetings).

Afterwards, we toured the ship (LPD stands for  "Landing Platform Dock").  It has a large platform that opens in the back and a bay that can be flooded to let smaller boats in and out.  Here the boys got to climb in and out of a tank and an amphibious assault vehicle.

Next the boys were on to an area of the ship with various hands-on-gun displays: machine guns, grenade launchers, mortars, even a Javlein missile launcher.  Guess who this is?

The boys seemed to enjoy themselves.  Thanks to Charles Eshnaur for his connection with the Mayor's Office, getting tickets to this event and getting us streamlined on our tour.