Welcome Young Men, Leaders and Parents.

This blog has been created as a one stop shop for everything to do with the Young Men of the Santa Fe Hills Ward. If you are interested in receiving updates by text message or email when new post or comments are made or if you have information or photos to post please contact Bro. Carter.

YM Activity Calendar

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Knot Scout Camp

Knot Scout camp was a great success!   We accomplished a lot with some of the boys earning 9 merit badges and as many as 4 awards.  Merit Badges worked on; Family Life, Citizenship in the Community, Emergency Preparedness, Aviation, Fishing, Safety, Disability Awareness, cooking and Weather.  Awards: The Historic Trail Award, Tot'n Chip, Firem'n Chit, Leave No Trace & The Paul Bunyan Award.

We Hiked the Historic San Pasqual Trail (Historic Trail Award).  We went to the woodland park pool and worked on swimming requirements for some of the boys and mostly just had fun.  we went on a 5 hour deep sea fishing trip which was special to all, as some spent more time feeding the fish with their breakfast and bait than catching the fish.  We spent much of our time in camp working on merit badges and awards.  The Highlight of the trip and I think the most fun was flying in the Cessna 172's.  All the boys had a turn at the controls.  Parents, start saving your money, some of them may want to be pilots someday?

Camp achievements.  All the boys advanced closer to becoming Eagle Scouts (Our purpose in having all this fun).  Parents participated and helped make the camp possible.  
We kept the cost to a minimum and cut the cost of camp to less than half of what regular camp would have been ($360.00).  I think we call this being Thrifty.  More importantly, I think the boys learned better how to get along with others.  How to participate as a team and help each other (Our service project at the camp).  How to better follow rules, though they still need to work on going to sleep before 1:00 AM.  Overall how to become a leader.

The Eagle Scout award is a symbol that a boy has learned how to first follow, and then how to lead others. Most importantly how to lead himself by taking on the mantle of the responsibilities of an adult.  It means he has learned his duty to himself, family and society.  

Thank you to those that participated:  Fidel Cruz spent the most time with us.  3 nights and several days.  Jim Pennock a night and a couple of days. Reid McWirter a night a day. Brian Bues a night and a day.  Scott McClellan a night and a day at the Airport as well as several hours at home doing "the behind scene" paper work, etc. Robert wilt and Bob Haskell each spent a few hours helping to reduce the insanity around the campfire and at the Airport.  Most of all Thank you to all the mothers who gave rides and worked behind the scenes making sure their sons were doing whats right!  If I forgot anyone, please forgive me.  My memory isn't what it used to be.

I hope all the boys had fun while learning at the same time.  Though few caught any fish during the fishing trip, I think this experience was the greatest teacher.  It taught patience and persistence.  Two of the  character traits most needed in our world today.  Some got sick but endured, some got tired of not catching anything and took lots of breaks, some continued fishing the entire trip, still not catching a fish, but they caught something most important.  They caught the spirit of "enduring to the end".

Also please forgive any typo's, my secretary is on vacation.

I hope you enjoy the few photos attached.

We will show more of them at the next Court of Honor.

KB Fullerton
Scout Master
Troop 634

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